I began working in textiles about five years ago and started with a gonzo form of hanging quilts which I made from recycled materials.
These were admired as unusual but Annabeth Orton suggested that they that they would be more popular if they had a practical application. So I added pockets, pen holders and other accessories such as bulldog clips and called it my “Stuff Stash”.
Annabeth recently sent me a picture of her Stuff Stash which is getting good use in her kitchen.
These did, indeed, sell and I produced a number of them, each quite distinct. However, my other products, shoulder bags and aprons, were developing their own style and I decided a couple of years ago to redesign the Stuff Stash in line with them.
I heard recently that the prestigious Stampington would be featuring the above version of the Stuff Stash in the Summer edition of their Sew Somerset magazine.
It may also be seen at Creative Recycling in Chorlton:
It may also be seen at Creative Recycling in Chorlton: